Thursday, April 30, 2015

Rehearsal for New World Order: The Plot Thickens

The inner circle of the world has their crony news channels covering Bruce Jenner and Baltimore every waking second of the day, while almost ignoring Iran quietly taking over a U.S. cargo ship in the Marshall Islands.  Some consider this an act of war because of a treaty.  Meanwhile, Obama has yet to "negotiate" with Iran over their future nuclear weapons.  

Iran's a big story.  Jade Helm, the military exercise designed to practice U.S. martial law against her own citizens, is also a big story.  Even Walmart is involved.  Still, we hear nothing but snippets on major news channels.  

This is my third posting about Jade Helm and the plot thickens.  This morning on the Dallas local news there was a quick blurb about Governor Abbott's concerns over the military exercise.  He wants the State Guard to monitor the U.S. military.  Many Americans worry that this is a gun grab.  Hillary Clinton's public anti-assault weapon stance doesn't help matters.  Americans believe that getting rid of guns is one of the first steps in organizing a one world government.
Billionaires who many deem to be Illuminati/inner circle members spout off how much better the world would be under one government.  For example, Bill Gates told the German Süddeutsche Zeitung publication the benefits of a one world government.  He went on about the how the UN and NATO were created for the security of the world.  Conspiracy theorists, leave a comment!  Love to hear your thoughts and views!

1 comment:

Frank Fountane said...

Wow this true story is kind of right out of the book "The last degree" Dina rae wrote that 3 or 4 years ago!

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