Thursday, April 25, 2019

NWO Alert: Will Microchips Be Forced Upon Us for ID?

My latest novel Crowns and Cabals takes place in the near future.  The world's population is forced to wear microchips in their forearms for identification, financial transactions, location, entrance keys, and health records.  Reality is not only catching up with fiction, but with prophecy as well.
Image result for microchips in sweden
Sweden's Biohax International has already implanted over four thousand Swedes with their microchips. The chip is the size of a grain of rice and does not require a battery.  These microchip wearers love the convenience, and Swedish companies love the security.  
The United States would never implement RFID microchips into people's hands, right?  Unfortunately, the RFID microchip is already here.  Wisconsin's Three Market Square has dozens of employees who volunteered to get microchipped. They claim it's so much easier to buy food at the vending machines and to log onto their computers.
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The RFID/microchip is the "new" technology called biometric authentication.  This kind of technology/science explores new ways to use facial recognition, voice, eye scans, and physical behavior.  The ease of the chip has a dark side.  Best case scenario is the user gets hacked, but think of how the chip could work in a diabolical way-mind control, poison, embezzlement, access into private property/work, and much more.  For those who believe, this chip might cost your soul.  Biblical prophecy might be linked to this microchip movement. 
Revelation 13
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Crowns and Cabals addresses microchips in an apocalyptic world.

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