Monday, November 7, 2016

NWO: A Satanic Celebration in Switzerland

I had the good fortune of being a guest on Paranormal Soup, an excellent talk radio show.  The host asked me what I thought about a televised celebratory event that happened last June in Switzerland.  I had no idea about what he was talking about.  He and his crew brought up a Youtube video that gave me the highlights.  Initially, I was shocked.  But the event played into a bigger theme-New World Order-NWO.

The Gotthard Base Tunnel was opened last spring.  It currently holds the record for being the world's longest rail tunnel. Switzerland commemorated the achievement with a show that could have only been directed by Satan himself. 

Volker Hesse, a German director, put on an 8.9 million dollar production consisting of over six hundred dancers, actors, acrobats, and composers.  
This show is the most bizarre display of entertainment that a government has publicly put on.  Over six hours of acts that pertain to paganism and the Bible were televised for all the world to see.  The audience included the Swiss president, along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel (a fan of ruining European culture via mass immigration and globalization), along with France's Hollande and Italy's Matteo Renzi.
The ceremony began with a large group of people marching like zombies, wearing orange jumpsuits. I can only guess that this symbolizes the masses, all prisoners and slaves.  Then a train car rolled onto the stage, filled with people in their underwear.  Those who ride the car looked like a Calvin Klein commercial, kissing and touching each other to suggest homosexuality and group sex.  Could this be glamorizing a 'no rules' sexual world?  Or is this another symbol of slavery?  A person with an odd baby head and wings is suspended from the ceiling, flapping his arms.  Later on, a naked woman/angel falls from the ceiling, suggesting a fallen angel.  The most telling symbol is a man who comes in and out of the scene, wearing a goat's head.  This has to be an ode to the famous demon Baphomet.  
So what does all of this mean?  Obviously this ceremony has much to do with demonic worship.  So what does the devil have to do with a train tunnel?  Does the new train routes represent a more inter-connecting world?  Are the very people who completed the job paying their respects to their higher power.  Switzerland represents money with their banking system.  They have had a long history with NWO.  Bottom line-pagan and devil worship is now in plain sight for the world to watch.  World leaders are commissioning witch rituals for their citizens' entertainment.   Our world is about to change.  Please leave your thoughts and views.  Love to hear your opinion.
The goat man in the ceremony


1 comment:

Frank Fontaine said...

New World order! This could be a scene in Dina Rae's book "The last Degree"

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